


Creators Project: Make it wearables series


wired-logo Superhero remote control eyelashes: the wearable tech we can get onboard with Bionic fashion: Wearable tech that will turn man into machine by 2015
Metallic make-up that turns on lights Smart Eyelashes and Fingernails: The Next Wave of Wearable Tech
Metallic make-up lets you launch drones with a wink Electronic makeup lets you control gadgets with a wink





Fast Company

These Fake Eyelashes Can Control Your TV

Thru, 06 Feb 2014

Wearable tech as makeup could help quadriplegics control their environments with the wink of an eye.


Wired UK

Superhero remote control eyelashes: the wearable tech we can get onboard with

Tue, 28 Jan 2014

When 33-year-old quadriplegic Felipe Esteves saw Katia Vega levitate a small drone just by blinking at it, he knew that was the kind of superhero he wanted to be. Wearing a white wig to keep her secret identity intact, channeling X-Men’s Storm, Vega was demonstrating her superhero tech at an expo. Each time she blinked with purpose, a tiny circuit nearly invisible to onlookers completed and instructed a controller to move the drone. That circuit was hidden under her wig, and was completed every time a pair of metallic false eyelashes met for a long enough time and connected to conductive eyeliner Vega was wearing. Signals were transmitted to a Zigbee radio, with the receiver kept in the superhero’s handbag. Sometimes, her blinks instructed animated images that read “POW, Bam, Zap” to pop up.


Makeup with embedded electronics helps the disabled control their devices

Fri, 24 Jan 2014

Advancements in wearable technology enable people with disabilities to carry on with normal daily functions.


Startup trends for 2014

Mon, 13 Jan 2014

A look at the wearable, shareable & social trends you’ll see in the coming year..


The Future of Wearable Tech. Key trends driven the Form and Function of Personal Devices

Wed, 8 Jan 2014

This report examines 10 key trends that are impacting the future of wearable technologies with a focus on the basic features, form and functions of these devices and technologies and what they might replace. Aided by the increased processing speed of chips, capacity of batteries and precision of sensor technologies, devices are becoming smaller, faster and more feature heavy, nearly replacing entire electronic categories in the process and furthermore impacting the way we live, work and socialize. As we plan for the future, PSFK Labs in collaboration with iQ by intel is excited for the opportunity to contribute its point of view to this ongoing conversation.



Smart Eyelashes and Fingernails: The Next Wave of Wearable Tech

Sat, 21 Dec 2013

It was crowded on the sidewalks in Hong Kong. Early morning commuters, shoulders tightly pressed against the strangers walking next to them, moved in a sluggish blob through each brimming intersection. Katia Vega didn’t mind the congestion. If anything, it made for ideal people-watching.

Women 2.0

Katia Vega to Showcase Aqua DJ Set and Drone That Reacts to Body Movement

Tue, 12 Nov 2013

Our newest fashion show addition is pushing the boundaries of wearable tech. Learn what she will be showcasing at our conference.


Fashioning Tech

It’s All in a Wink

Thru, 31 Oct 2013

Katia Vega is a Beauty Tech Designer and is currently a PhD candidate in Computer Science at the Department of Informatics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) under the supervision of Prof. Hugo Fuks. She describes beauty technology as an emergent field in wearable computer using software in innovative ways.



戴假睫毛通電 眨眼開燈

Sat, 26 Oct 2013


不必成為特務都可擁有這些「特異功能」。巴西科學家維加(Katia Vega)將眼影、假眼睫毛和指甲加入無線電裝置,令美容與科技合二為一。


The Creators Project

Viral Style: Makeup That Drives Drones And A Bra That Tweets

Fri, 25 Oct 2013

A weekly roundup of what’s happening at the intersection of tech and fashion. Drone-controlling beauty tech of the week.



Elektronische Wimpern lassen Dioden leuchten

Fri, 18 Oct 2013

Blinklifier ist ein neuartiges Eingabegerät, das mit den Augen gesteuert wird: Es erkennt ein Augenzwinkern und löst eine Aktion aus. Gleichzeitig soll es die Träger verschönern.


Электронный макияж позволит управлять мобильными устройствами

Fri, 18 Oct 2013

Американский инженер Катя Вега (Katia Vega) сообщила о создании “электронного макияжа”, состоящего из микроэлементов, которые располагаются на глазных веках.


Electronic makeup lets you control gadgets with a wink

Fri, 18 Oct 2013

Fingernails embedded with RFID tags? Computer scientist Katia Vega creates Beauty Technology, a range of cosmetics and accessories that conduct electricity and control devices.

The Times

Metallic make-up that turns on lights

Fri, 18 Oct 2013

The hi-tech cosmetics were unveiled at an Interactive and Surface conference at the University of St Andrews


Computer scientist Katia Vega has developed a set of conducting cosmetics that can be applied to your fingernails or eyelashes to control technology

Fri, 18 Oct 2013

Computer scientist Katia Vega has developed a set of conducting cosmetics that can be applied to your fingernails or eyelashes to control technology.


Electronic Eyelashes control mobile devices with a wink

Thu, 17 Oct 2013

Beauty tech designer Katia Vega developed cosmetics that can activate various equipment


A Tiny Helicopter Controlled With A Wink

Thu, 17 Oct 2013

Special metallic makeup could put the face back into “user interface.”


Electronic make-up lets you control the lights with a wink

Thu, 17 Oct 2013

Now you can look electric and, well, actually be electric too. Researchers have developed electronic makeup that turns your face into a remote control.

Thomas net

Light Friday: 8 Mental Illnesses Caused by the Internet

Thu, 17 Oct 2013

Wearable Beauty Technology Lights up a Room One engineer has found a way to infuse beauty with technology to create conducting cosmetics that are capable of activating electronics and levitating objects. Katia Vega, the makeup tech mastermind, is currently a Ph.D. candidate in computer science at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil and has developed chemically metalized eyelashes, RFID nails, and makeup that “connect sensors, actuators and their connections in an attractive way that the wearer’s observers would not notice the hidden circuit,” Vega notes on her website.

New Scientist

Metallic make-up lets you launch drones with a wink

Wed, 16 Oct 2013

When Katia Vega winks, strange things happen: a miniature drone takes to the air, or a hundred LEDs in her hair sparkle like a Christmas tree. It works because she has developed a range of conducting cosmetics that let her activate electronics with a flip of her eyelids


Boing Boing

Conductive cosmetics to control mobile devices

Wed, 16 Oct 2013

Computer scientist Katia Vega has developed conductive eye shadow and false eyelashes that can be used to control wearable computers. For example, an extended blink could trigger your phone’s camera.

Fast Company

This Makeup Lets You Launch Drones With Just A Blink Of An Eye

Wed, 16 Oct 2013

Brazilian scientist Katia Vega has developed cosmetics with the ability to launch a drone or open a door.

Future Tech Report

Using cosmetics to control gadgets

Mon, 21 Oct 2013

One of the most intriguing developments to come out of the recent ACM Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces Conference is new work from the Brazilian scientist, Katia Vega, who offered up something called “electro-cosmetics”, or the field of research into controlling electronics using cosmetic make-up.

Refinery 29

This Is NOT Science Fiction: A Woman Can Control Drones With Her …

Fri, 18 Oct 2013

We can do a lot with our makeup: change our look, highlight a certain feature, attract attention…the list goes on. What our list doesn’t include, though, is the ability to, um, control drones. That’s apparently simply because we’re not Katia Vega, a computer scientist who has developed makeup that can literally activate electronics. Wait, what?


Electronic Make-Up Lets You Activate Gadgets By Blinking

Thu, 17 Oct 2013

Ever wanted to a launch a fleet of killer drones with the blink of an eye? Good news, researchers have just the thing.

Stuff Tv

Fully Charged: Enter the Matrix, Android PCs, and how to scramble …

Wed, 16 Oct 2013

Ever wanted to a launch a fleet of killer drones with the blink of an eye? Good news, researchers have just the thing.


Makeup Gets Conductive

Fri, 18 Oct 2013

Putting on makeup might not be the same any more in the future, as wearable technology takes on a whole new level of interactivity. With the clever application of conductive makeup in common beauty items such as false eyelashes, nails and eyeshadow, computer scientist Katia Vega managed to figure out a way to make conductive elements as well as sensors part of transforming an ordinary makeup into gadget-activating remote controls.


Elektronische make-up bestuurt gadgets met een knipoog

Wed, 16 Oct 2013

Dus je wilt je gadgets op afstand bedienen, maar bent te lui om de afstandsbediening te pakken en Google Glass kan je niet betalen. Gelukkig heeft je vrouw/vriendin een dikke laag make-up op en kan zo van kanaal wisselen. Wait, what?



Conheça sete criações inovadoras que saíram de universidades

Wed, 23 Oct 2013

A aluna do curso de doutorado do Departamento de Informática da PUC-Rio, Katia Vega, desenvolve pesquisas sobre o conceito de “Beauty Technology”, que agrega tecnologia a diferentes partes do corpo humano. A pesquisadora já desenvolveu cílios postiços capazes de emitir comandos eletrônicos através do movimento do piscar dos olhos, como passar slides em uma apresentação, e criou unhas postiças com dispositivos que emitem comandos como acender luzes e abrir portas.


Feira com trabalhos tecnológicos da PUC-Rio deve atrair 75 mil visitantes

Wed, 23 Oct 2013

São trabalhos de alta tecnologia, muitos deles com iniciativas sustentáveis. Os projetos, protótipos e até produtos criados pelos alunos, será exibidos durante quatro dias na universidade.

Tech tudo

Pesquisadora cria sistema que controla objetos pelo movimento de olhos e dedos

Mon, 8 Jul 2013

Ao menos uma vez na vida você quis poder controlar um objeto com um piscar de olhos, não é? Saiba que essa realidade está cada vez mais próxima. Uma pesquisa resultou na criação de cílios postiços e unhas de acrigel, capazes de controlar apresentações de slides, equipamentos de DJ, iluminação e uma infinidade de objetos. O estudo, desenvolvido na PUC-Rio, é feito pela peruana Kátia Vega, com supervisão do professor Hugo Fuks.


Bionic fashion: Wearable tech that will turn man into machine by 2015

Mon, 5 Aug 2013

The field of wearable technology is rich with exploration of human emotion — and headwear that would turn Padmé Amidala green with envy. The flirty Blinklifier is a concept by Tricia Flanagan and Katia Vega. It’s fitted with LEDs that respond to specific eye-movement and could take flirting to a new level. Researchers hope the result will give people more visual clues about how their friends are feeling.


Google Glass – Por que ter um computador no corpo

Mon, 1 Jul 2013

Conectado à internet, o Google Glass é pioneiro de uma tendência que deve nos levar à computação de vestir


Move over Google Glass, we have Beauty Technology

Fri, 24 May 2013

Conductive make-up, magnetic finger nails, a blink controller that levitates objects with blinking? Take off my Google Glass and paint it on me!


Aluna da PUC-Rio cria cílios que controlam objetos ao piscar

Wed, 17 Apr 2013

Katia Vega recebeu o prêmio TEI Design Challenge, em Barcelona. Cílios usam tecnologia conhecida como ‘computação vestível’.

Katia, que mora no Rio de Janeiro desde 2008, metalizou os cílios postiços com prata e outros elementos químicos para que eles parecessem pretos e naturais. Com o controle remoto de um pequeno orbitador escondido no bolso, Katia podia ativá-lo apenas ao piscar os olhos. Leia mais…








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